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Accreditations and Recognitions
In the Curacao, Kingdom of the Netherlands
accreditation membership

The University of America Curacao is a Registered, Licensed & Chartered University with a high reputation. The University of America is registered and licensed to operate by the Government of Curacao (License no: OFS 0649/2019) , gazetted in the official Curacao Commercial Register with no:150998 and approved to award all academic degrees and titles by the Royal Charter granted to it by the Prime Minister and Ministry of Education, Science, Culture & Sports, Curacao with Charter Zaaknr. 2019/38885.

UoA is institutionally and programmatically accredited by CTAC Curacao at premier level. Curacao Transnational Accreditation Council is a Curacao regional accreditation agency licensed by the Curacao government and recognized by Ministry of Education , Science, Culture and Sports as a Curacao official accreditation agency for all transnational education and international institutions. See CTAC for more details.

In the United States:

accreditation membership

UA holds Candidacy status with the ACBSP, ACBSP is a US accreditation agency recognized by US Department of Education and CHEA.

accreditation membership

UA is a member in good standing of the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP),
a U.S. national accrediting organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation(CHEA.) .

accreditation membership

The Global Standard in Public Service Education – the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) is a U.S. based international association and accreditation body of public affairs, , public policy and administration at universities in the US and abroad recognized by (CHEA) as the accreditor of master's degree programs in public policy (MPP), public affairs (MPAff), and public administration (MPA). Its stated mission is to "ensure excellence in education and training for public service and to promote the ideal of public service. It administers the honor society Pi Alpha Alpha.

accreditation membership

UA is also a member of European Council of Leading Business Schools (ECLBS) ECLBS is recognized by EU Government and the U.S CHEA. * UA recognized with the US. Department of Education/NCES/IPED with Federal ID: 475237 and listed in the USDE official College Navigator website for all USDE recognized colleges and universities. NCES.ED.GOV

accreditation membership

University of America is included EduRank World`s Best Universities list. is an independent metric-based ranking of 14,131 universities from 183 countries. We utilize the world's largest scholarly papers database with 98,302,198 scientific publications and 2,149,512,106 citations to rank universities across 246 research topics. In the overall rankings we add non-academic prominence and alumni popularity indicators. Always check official university websites for the latest enrollment information. © 2024

accreditation membership

The University of America Curacao is world-ranked university listed by Uni- rank, Pepler, Justapedia and Wikipedia list of universities in Netherland`s Antilles.

Legal Authority for Institutional Operation Government Charter: The University of America received its corporate charter from the State of California government and the Florida Department of State.

Authorization: California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education The University of America has fulfilled all the requirements and is not subject to the governmental oversight and is verified exempt by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education ( BPPE) with App. No #33890

accreditation membership

State of Florida Department of Education Commission on Independent Education. The University of America has fulfilled all the requirements of the Florida State and is not subject to governmental oversight and is authorized by the State of Florida Department of Education Commission on Independent Education by Section 1005.06(1)(f), Florida Statutes and Rule 6E-5.001, and 1997 Florida Code TITLE XVI EDUCATION Chapter 246 Nonpublic Postsecondary Institutions

246.084(1)(2)(3) Authorization. To award Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy in the following categories:

ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, and social work

Registration and Recognition:

The University of America is registered with the US. Department of Education/NCES and assigned the USDE federal recognition IDs: 475237 and A1390051 : to participate in the USDE yearly IPEDS programs. UA is listed in USDE College Navigator official list of all US. Recognized colleges and universities. Click here and type name: The University of America and the zip code: 92590 to see. Or The UoA degrees are evaluated as equivalent to US regionally accredited university degrees

Accreditation for the School Natural Medicine and Health Sciences

Accreditation /Memberships

accreditation membership

Accreditation Bureau For International Colleges, Universities & Schools.

Internationally , The University of America is accredited by ABICUS Florida , USA. Accreditation Bureau for International Colleges Universities and Schools( ABICUS FL Christian Schools Inc) ABICUS is an international Christian accreditation agency and awarding body chartered by the Department of State and recognized by Florida Department of Education Commission on Independent Education. ABICUS being christian and international in scope , is not an alternative U.S. regional and national accreditation .ABICUS only welcomes members authorized or approved to operate by the ministry of education . see

In the United Kingdom

Accredited by U. K National Awarding and Accreditation Agency- ATHE UK/OFQual

accreditation membership
ATHE LTD U.K ATHE LTD U.K is national Awarding and accrediting body recognized by the UK Government through the OFqual with the Ofqual Recognition Number RN5344, for all Law, Business , Computing, Business Information Technology Health and Social Care, Health Management,and related programs. For more information contact ATHE at

UOA Science, Engineering and Technology Program are Accredited by U. K National Awarding and Accreditation Agency- EAL.UK/OFQual

accreditation membership
The University of America is a recognized and accredited centre of EAL Awarding Body under ID: F/EAL/34136, for all engineering, manufacturing, building services and related programs. EAL is a specialist, U.K Government OFqual and SQA -recognized awarding organization at the forefront of training in engineering, manufacturing, building services and related sectors. Working closely with EAL, The University of America is able to provide its chosen sectors with training, verification and accreditation at the highest standard. For more information contact Excellence, Achievement & Learning Limited U.K OFqual Recognition Number RN5260.
Accreditation of Complementary and Integrative Medicine and Holistic Health Science Programs

accreditation membership

The University of America is a registered College member of the Prestigious Complementary Medical Association U.K.

UOA is a CMA Center of Excellence -

The University of America has been recognized as a Centre of Excellence by The Complementary Medical Association (The CMA). This means that we are proud to say that we hold full Training School Membership of The Complementary Medical Association. This Membership is highly prestigious, and it demonstrates our commitment to the very highest standards of excellence in training courses - and our dedication to supporting our Students and graduates.

UoA College of Natural Medicine and Health Sciences Curacao is open to offer you all degrees - Bachelor , Masters, Professional Doctorates and PhD in all areas of natural medicine. holistic health sciences, complementary therapies and integrative medicine- e.g. Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Homeopathy, Nutritional Medicine/therapies , Herbal Medicine, African Medicine , Oriental and Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda and Indian Medicine, Botanical Pharmacy, Naturopathic Dentistry, Naturopathic Orthopedics, Physical therapy, Massage Therapy, and ad -infinitum.

All our programs meets and exceeds all the standard of WHO and WNF and are fully accredited and chartered by recognized bodies. Our degrees are recognized globally and our tuition- the lowest among the world of accredited degrees. All our programs can be completed 100 percent online but all our students must perform 3500 clinical clock hours in an approved Hospital before graduation. for more information , please email us at and read more on our webs and We value all life experiences and prior -learning - contact today to see how we might be able help you earn a recognized credential that helps you actualize your dreams!

accreditation membership

UoA Curacao Naturopathic and Holistic health programs are accredited by American Council of Holistic Medicine

accreditation membership

UoA Curacao Naturopathic and Holistic health programs are accredited by American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board

accreditation membership

UoA Curacao Naturopathic and Holistic health programs are accredited by American Herbalist Gild.

accreditation membership

All our programs meets and exceeds all the standard of WHO and WNF and are fully accredited and chartered by recognized bodies. Our degrees are recognized globally and our tuition- the lowest among the world of accredited degrees.

Accreditation for the UOA School of Law & Jurisprudence

The University of America Law School (UALS) Curacao

Motto: Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum

"Let justice be done though the heavens may fall’’

  1. Approved by the Royal Charter of the Prime Minister and Minister of Education of Curacao, Kingdom of the Netherlands.
  2. Accredited by ATHE UK.
  3. Curacao Bar Association- Council on Legal Education and Curacao Supreme Court for admittance of graduates to the Curacao Bar after meeting all Curacao government and Curacao Bar prescribed requirements.
  4. California Bar Association - Bar after meeting all the Bar prescribed requirements for international Law graduates.
  5. United States- All US 50 States Bar Association - Bar after meeting all the Bar prescribed requirements for international Law graduates
  6. Meet requirement for National Youth Service and Call to the bar of every English law nations.

UoA is also a United Nations Impact(UNAI) Institution

The University of America is a proud member of The United Nations Compact Group with the Participant ID 22461 UNGlobalcompact

accreditation membership

The University of America's Masters and Doctorate Students at candidate advance level, are eligible to apply for Internship with the UNITED NATIONS through the UN COMPACT GROUP INTERNSHIP OPPRTUNITIES CLICK TO LEARN MORE! UA graduate and postgraduate students ,search and apply for scholarship funds to intern with the UNITED NATIONS CLICK HERE TO CONNECT !

THE FACULTY SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA joins the President of United states and world scientific and academic community, to congratulate one of the world’s foremost international university -The University of America`s faculties , for receiving the President of United States most prestigious civil award - the President's Call to Service Award (also referred to as the President's Lifetime Achievement Award) for the year 2016. In the field of education.
We are a member of Comparative and International Education Society of The University of Pittsburg ,

We are honored by the White House and the US Secretary of Education to be part of the:

accreditation membership

accreditation membership

The University of America is bestowed with the US PRESIDENT`S GOLD AWARD FOR EDUCATION.

accreditation membership

THE FACULTY SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA joins the President of United states and world scientific and academic community, to congratulate one of the world’s foremost international university Faculty of The University of America, for receiving the President of United States most prestigious civil award - the President's Call to Service Award (also referred to as the President's Lifetime Achievement Award) for the year 2016. In the field of education. LETTER FROM THE US PRESIDENT

accreditation membership

accreditation membership


accreditation membership

UoA is granted a LETTER OF RECOGNITION by State of California State House of Assembly.

UoA is granted a letter of RECOGNITION FOR EXCELLENCE by Riverside County California Government.

accreditation membership

UOA is granted a letter of RECOGNITION FOR OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE by the City of Temecula.

accreditation membership

UOA is granted a letter of RECOGNITION FOR OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE by the City of Murrieta.

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